Video installation HDV, 3’40’’
Stills from the video, Cape Canaveral, Florida / Vues de la vidéo, Cap Canaveral, Floride
Installation vidéo HDV, 3’40’’
Cette installation vidéo présente l’envol du rêve de l’astronome Camille Flammarion à bord de la sonde de la NASA Osiris Rex. À l'heure actuelle, le vaisseau traverse l'espace et remonte le temps. Il voyage vers l'astéroïde Bennu, vers la nuit du rêve, dans les limbes de 1856 où le jeune Camille Flammarion rencontrait dans les plis d'un rêve la forêt d'Aldebaran.
La vidéo retrace le décollage de la sonde emportant le rêve.
This video installation presents the sending of an astronomer’s dream to space, onboard NASA Osiris Rex spacecraft. At present time, the spacecraft travels through space and goes back in time. It travels towards the asteroid Bennu, towards the night of the dream, this morning of 1856 when Camille Flammarion, young man, foresaw in the folds of his dream the forest of Aldebaran.
The video retraces the take off of the dream. It is projected alongside a reproduction on mirror of three pages of the astronomer’s dream book.
Stills from the video, Cape Canaveral, Florida / Vues de la vidéo, Cap Canaveral, Floride
Pages of Camille Flammarion’s dream sent onboard the Osiris Rex spacecraft, Print on a mirror plate / Pages du rêve de Camille Flammarion envoyée à bord du vaisseau spatial Osiris Rex, tirage sur une plaque miroir
A Dream to Space, video / Un Reve vers l’Espace, vidéo
“In the story that concerns us here, the first dreamer is known as Camille Flammarion. A century ago, he commits a dream to paper. The second dreamer is the artist Anaïs Tondeur. Visiting the archives of Camille Flammarion, she recognized a dance between science and dream, characteristic of her practice. A dream brotherhood set up.
Then, Anaïs Tondeur receives a proposition of NASA. There is some free memory in a hard drive, in a spacecraft. NASA likes the idea of this space serving as a capsule for artworks. Sending in the infinitely unknown, fragments of our extravagance. For Anaïs Tondeur the intention is immediate: she will send a dream to space, the handwriting of Camille Flammarion, three pages extracted from the astronomer’s dream book, a symbiotic world. Half bird, half dragonfly humans evolve in the vast forests of Aldebaran’s giant star where they found a common balance, suspended in the infinite.
The astronomer who dreamt to push the boundaries of our perception bound with NASA. His dream matter, left the earth, on board Osiris Rex spacecraft, on September 8th, 2016.”